Cysts and Treatments
What is a Cyst?
Cysts are very common, and are caused when a ball of skin cells becomes trapped underneath the skin. There are many different types of cysts, and while most are harmless, some can be cancerous or cause pain and other challenges.
Cysts can occur anywhere on the body, inside and out. They are most common in the face, neck, genitals, and internal organs. Cysts typically are fluid-filled, but can also be filled with air or skin tissue. As skin cells continue to be produced, they remain trapped inside the cyst, which causes it to grow larger.
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of cysts are cancerous.
*U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Types of Cysts and Symptoms
There are several types of cysts, which require different treatment approaches depending on the severity, location, and the symptoms they are producing. Common types of cysts include:
Epidermoid Cyst
A noncancerous cyst that grows underneath the skin as a small lump. Most common on the face, neck, and back, epidermoid cysts are typically skin-colored, white, or have a yellow hue. They are not painful but many individuals choose to have them removed.
Ganglion Cyst
A noncancerous cyst that can be filled with a thick, gelatinous fluid. Most common on the hand or wrist, ganglion cysts form on the tissues surrounding joints. They can cause discomfort and are able to be removed with minor surgery.
Dermoid Cyst
Typically composed of hair follicles, skin, fat, and other bodily materials, these cysts are slow-growing and typically form on the face, neck, or ovaries. They can be painful and in some cases, such as when they form on the ovaries, they can cause other complications.
Pilonidal Cyst
These cysts typically grow in clusters on the lower back or buttocks. They are filled with skin debris, hair, and oil, and can become infected, requiring drainage and removal.
Cyst Treatment
At Optima Dermatology, we’re experienced with all types of cysts and treatment options. Depending on the cyst, it may not need to be removed. Removal options also vary based on the type of cyst, it’s location, and how much discomfort it is causing.
A common cyst treatment involves draining the cyst using a needle. If the cyst is larger, surgical removal may be required. Your dermatologist will also evaluate your cyst and determine whether it needs to be tested. If it is found to be cancerous, it will be removed through a surgical procedure, along with any surrounding tissue that could also have been affected.
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